Category: Chinese English

  • Differences in etiquette and behavior between Chinese and American users on social apps

    Chinese social app habits often differ significantly from those of Americans, reflecting cultural preferences and platform-specific features. Here are some habits that might surprise Americans: 1. Super App Ecosystems    •   Chinese platforms like WeChat (Weixin) and Alipay integrate a wide range of services, from messaging to paying bills, booking travel, ordering food, and even managing investments.…

  • Emphasizing Degree of Action in Mandarin

    Structures for Emphasizing Actions in Mandarin In Mandarin Chinese, various structures are used to emphasize actions, highlighting the degree, result, or necessity of the action. Let’s explore some of these structures with examples: Additional Point: These structures play crucial roles in Mandarin communication, allowing speakers to convey nuances of actions, emotions, and intentions effectively. Let’s…

  • 刚刚 or 刚才

    Both 刚刚 (gāng gāng) and 刚才 (gāng cái) are used to express “just now” or “a moment ago” in Chinese. However, 刚刚 and 刚才 are used in slightly different contexts. 刚刚 (gāng gāng) is typically used to refer to a very recent event, usually within a few seconds or minutes ago. For example, you might…

  • Using 无所谓

    In this context, “无所谓” means “irrelevant” or “doesn’t matter”. It’s used to convey the speaker’s lack of interest or concern about a particular topic or issue. Here, “无所谓” means “doesn’t care” or “doesn’t mind”. It’s used to indicate that the speaker has no strong preference or opinion about a decision or choice that someone else…

  • Meaning of 表白

    My friend said this, but I didn’t quite understand the meaning: 昨天另一群有個女生向我表白兩次。我的媽呀😂😂 Based on the provided text in Chinese, your friend is saying that yesterday, another group of people (possibly friends or acquaintances) had a girl who confessed her feelings to him twice. In Chinese, the phrase “我的媽呀” (wǒ de mā ya) is an interjection…

  • 肯定 and 不肯

    肯定 (kěn dìng) and 不肯 (bù kěn) are two commonly used phrases in Mandarin Chinese that express positive and negative affirmation, respectively. 肯定 (kěn dìng) is often translated as “certainly”, “definitely”, or “positive”. It is used to express agreement, confirmation, or endorsement of a statement, idea, or proposition. For example: 不肯 (bù kěn) is the…

  • 勤学多思误此身

    I need help analyzing this poem: 勤学多思误此身,红颜多舛为苍生。八年牢困伤病体,一双镣铐自由声。黄泉路上书鲜血,众人皆疯我独清。龙换龙里盲天理,灵岩山上间人心。 This poem is written in Chinese, and it translates to the following: “Studying hard and thinking much harms the body; A beautiful face brings many troubles to society. Eight years of imprisonment have damaged my health, But the sound of freedom echoes from my shackles. On the road…

  • Pet phrases in Sichuan dialect

    1.摆龙门阵 English meaning:to chat;to gossip中文意思:闲聊、随便聊聊; bai long men zhen 例句:我们去摆哈龙门阵。 (我们去聊下天。) 2.老汉儿 English meaning:father;dad;中文意思:爸爸; lao her 例句:老汉儿,我回来了。 (爸爸我回来了。) 3.巴实/安逸 English meaning:very good;中文意思:非常舒服,非常好; ba shi /an yi 例句:你做的这个腊肉巴适惨了。 (你做的这个腊肉很好。) 4.耙耳朵 English meaning:used to mean a henpecked man, now it means a man who treats his wife well;中文意思:以前指怕老婆的人,现在指对老婆好的人; pa er duo 5.爪子 English meaning:what;中文意思:什么,干什么; zhua zi 例句:你要做爪子嘛?…

  • Basic phrases in Shanxi dialect山西方言收集

    1.Hello. 你好。 2.Have you eaten? 你吃老饭咧? 3.What time is it now? 现在几点咧? 4.What is your name? 你叫甚了? 5.My name is David. 我叫大卫。 6.Thank you. 谢谢。 7.Your welcome. 欢迎。 8.Where is the bathroom? 卫生间在哪了? 9.Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 10.Turn left and then turn right. 左转然后再右转。 11.What would you like to drink? 你想喝甚了? 12.I want like…

  • Pet phrases in Guangdong Cantonese

    1.搏一搏单车变摩托 English meaning:try your best to make something better.中文意思:抓住机会去努力情况会有所改善。 bok yāt bok,dāan chē bin mō tok。 例句:只要你俾心机去做,搏一搏单车都会变摩托。 (只要你认真去做,会好起来的。) 2.搞搞震冇帮衬 English meaning:put someone to trouble;trouble maker;中文意思:责怪那些看到身边的人在忙或者需要帮忙时,光顾着添麻烦或者捣乱而不去帮忙﹑做点实事的人。 gáau gáau jan,móuh bōn chan。 例句:你条友仔,搞搞震无帮衬! (你这个人,只会添麻烦一点忙都帮不上!) 3.滚水渌猪肠 English meaning:one disaster after another;The business is so bad.中文意思:形容收支减少,生意不济。也可以引申为,处于困境而雪上加霜。 gwán séui luhk jyū chèuhng。 例句:贵米都未捱完,油价又升,我份粮又滚水渌猪肠。 (米价都还没降,油价又升了,我的工资又减了。) 4.巴闭 English meaning:awesome;rude and unreasonable;中文意思:很厉害;蛮横无理。 bā…