Top 100 Chinese Authors from the 20th Century

So this blog is mostly my own personal notes to help me remember things as I study Chinese.

  1. Ba Jin – Born in Chengdu in 1904, died in 2005, best known for his book “The Family”.
  2. Can Xue – Born in 1953 with her major works spanning from 1989 to present.
  3. Ding Ling (1904-1985) – She was arrested by the Guomingdang in Shanghai from 1933 to 1936.
  4. Han Shaogong – Born in 1953, he writes about Chinese folklore, Taoism and Buddhism, influences by Kafka. I want to read 吗桥词典
  5. Lao She – Born in 1899, I already read one of his books, 骆驼祥子, the rickshaw boy.
  6. Mao Dun – 1896-1981. He wrote about Shanghai. His name mean “contradiction” and perhaps writes about the contradiction of Eastern and Western Thought.
  7. Mo Yan – Born in 1955 and won a Nobel Prize in 2012. Wrote Red Sorghum.
  8. Qian Zhongshu – 1910-1998. Wrote Fortress Besieged which I presume is about Shanghai and the Japanese occupation.
  9. Su Tong – Born in 1963. Wrote “Raise the Red Lantern” and “Wives and Concubines“. Definitely want to read on of these!
  10. Xiao Hong (1911-1942) – I read 呼兰河传, about Northeast China in a time of extreme poverty, but from an innocent young girl’s perspective.
  11. Yu Hua
  12. Zhang Henshui






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